
International Competition
Design team: Zsuzsanna Kiss-Gál, Gergely Kiss-Gál, Noémi Mónus, Margó Petró

The day care center is the building of separate togetherness. Though its residents need the privacy and the safety of the known, the neighborhood needs the contact and the reception of the unknown. Our proposal takes advantage on the requested three phases as the building creates the possibility for the public to use the site while the second and third phases are realized, and even afterwards. We examined the system of the kibbutz as the provider of the constant relation between common and separated, or social and agricultural. The connection was the workshop. We configured the same system to the operation of the day care center: the site offers a public farm, provides cultivation to the local people, who maintain the land. The more the building is developed the less farm gardens remain, but even at the final stage of construction, the site still offers parcels to be cultivated by the locals. Instead of designing a building, we created the system of gardens: first type is the Mother Group Garden, that is a closed entity, surrounded by the Mother Group Room itself. It has no connection to the outside world and it functions as a small meadow. Then the Common Garden is for the residents of the day care center. It is still turns inside and supports a separate outside garden for the residents but it provides a certain view and it functions as connection between building parts. It has a function of a therapeutic garden. Last the Public Farm Garden that is totally open for the local people, creating terraces of cultivation.